What's New in Workplace? November 2022
All the latest Workplace product announcements and feature releases.
This month, we’re excited to share exciting new updates to Knowledge Library, video chapters, group membership and more.
Pre-loaded content in Knowledge Library: The Workplace user guidePre-loaded content in Knowledge Library: The Workplace user guide
This pre-written user guide provides educational content to help onboard people to Workplace features like Groups, Chat and Live Video. Knowledge Library admins can edit the guide to make sure it fits their organization’s specific needs before publishing it to individuals, groups, or the whole organization.
Like any Knowledge Library category, this will only be visible to users if you publish it. Pre-loaded content is available on the desktop web version of Workplace, and it can be accessed here.
To learn more about how to edit the user guide and make it your own, click here.

Video chapters now available on mobile
The video chapters feature lets you add sections to your videos to make it easier for viewers to skip to the parts that are most relevant to them and to share highlights with their colleagues. They can be added to videos you upload into Workplace or to recordings of Live video. The feature is now available for iOS and Android. Go to the Help Center to read a step-by-step guide on adding video chapters, or practice it in the Work Academy’s Live Video Producer Interactive Demo in the “After the Broadcast” section.

Improved insights for Knowledge Library
Our improved insights now allow admins and category editors to see how many people visited, commented on, and reacted to their category over a selected time period. They can filter by location, department, or job title and they can also see how many files have been viewed and downloaded. This is available on the desktop web version of Workplace.
Learn more about building and managing your Knowledge Library in the Knowledge Library Resource Hub.
Improved accessibility of truncated posts with new focus behavior Improved accessibility of truncated posts with new focus behavior
Previously, when screen reader users clicked 'See More' on a post, the focus jumped to the top of the page. Now, when a screen reader user clicks 'See More' on a post, the focus remains at the truncated point, which improves readability and accessibility for users. This feature is available only on the desktop web version of Workplace.
Focus on the relevant content when selecting notificationsFocus on the relevant content when selecting notifications
Previously, when people selected a notification using their keyboard, the related content was loaded in the feed and scrolled into view but the main item was not in focus. Now, when the user selects a notification, the focus moves directly to the post or comment that the notification relates to, improving the accessibility of notifications and providing a better experience for people who use their keyboard. This feature is available only on the desktop web version of Workplace.
Quick link translations in Knowledge LibraryQuick link translations in Knowledge Library
When adding quick links to the homepage of your Knowledge Library, you can now set different titles and hyperlinks for different languages, allowing people to more easily find resources that are right for them. Where another language is needed, admins can either add it manually, or it can be generated automatically for supported languages. This is available on the desktop web version of Workplace.
Enabling auto group membership rules in Groups with ChatEnabling auto group membership rules in Groups with Chat
Previously group membership rules couldn’t be applied to groups with a chat attached. Now group admins can set group memberships rules for all of their groups, and Admins can assign people to groups with chat through the People Sets feature. Membership rules can only be used on the desktop web version of Workplace.
In-person locations can now be added to virtual eventsIn-person locations can now be added to virtual events
Add an in-person location to your virtual event for more flexible attendance options with hybrid events. Our new hybrid events toggle will allow you to easily create an event with both in-person and online location details through the Workplace event creation flow. Visit the Work Academy to learn more about creating and organizing events in Workplace.
Shake your phone to report bugs in the Workplace Chat mobile app Shake your phone to report bugs in the Workplace Chat mobile app
This is a simpler way for you to report bugs to us by shaking their phone instead of doing multiple steps and going through the settings. This feature is already available in Workplace iOS and Android, and now we're going to launch it in Work Chat iOS and Android.